Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sad but true !!

A few days ago, the gravest concern for an MBA (including me) was the nature of job one might land up with considering the gravity of the US-led financial turmoil that the world is going through. Its consequences on the job market in India in particular were the talk of the town across industries and colleges. I would have been satisfied with a lucrative pay-packet and a job crafted for me in the wake of this historic recession, considering that it would have been one of the most commendable achievements in my life. After the tragic Mumbai terror hold-ups, I just added one more wish to my wish-list; while I may have been minting money, I had to stay alive too. 

The Mumbai horror has reminded me of a fact that India is not just vulnerable to economic recession, courtesy its integration with the world markets and export-oriented service industry, but also forcibly fettered to combating a battery of consistent & incessant terrorist strikes to safeguard domestic security. Terrorists have been using our country’s prosperity and harmony as a challenge to create upheavals into. This horrendous act of killing has left many pondering about the true intentions behind these gruesome attacks. Some say Kashmir, some may say Gujrat; I think its India. Gujrat and Kashmir have caused more pain to the Indian muslims (if so to say). Time and again, the attacks are orchestrated by Pakistani outfits that are in the business of indoctrinating the imbecile and halfwits to carry out dare-devil acts of brutal and heartless carnage. The pawns used are of Pakistani origin and their accent also further vindicates the fact. The outfits have also openly shown their resentment towards Indian maulvis in keeping patient over the past violence caused to Muslim brethren in a call to the Hindi news channel. Clearly, their motive is to cultivate feeling of hatred and anguish over the entire Indian state. And the most favourable opportunity in the SWOT analysis of their project is: India doesn’t care.

India being a soft state, likes to go around debating more, enforcing less. Probably it’s one of the most hapless nations in the world to have no consensus on issues of national security. India today possesses the wherewithal to launch a strategic and disciplined strike at the POK areas which are the HQ’s of these factions. What it severely lacks and badly requires is the political will. The thing we need is a strong-will that transcends international diplomatic pressures, domestic holdbacks, resulting in an audacious and confident military intent to wipe out terrorism for good. Although the cost of war is too high, so is the cost of staying mum and waiting for the next attack to strike. What we have instead is political rhetoric and media hijack on core issues to individual tragedy stories. It’s such a shame for us to think of India as the next economic super-giant by 2025, when government can’t assure the number of people left by then to enjoy that momentous occasion. How could one dream of a growing economy, when there is a clear and present danger to the existence of the citizens at large? It is a tom-foolery by the state to hoodwink the aspirations of the public by such flagrant display of cowardice over national security concerns. It’s the public silence that is being misinterpreted as public neglect. The people at large want a affirmative and permanent solution and not just plain CBM’s (confidence building measures) It’s about time we take our vengeance plan more seriously. It’s a nation at war, and not just metropolitan insurgencies. People are fed up to go out on the streets living under the phobia of being a victim of a random number of an ugly plan hatched by the terrorists to kill innocent lives.