Tuesday, April 3, 2007

300 - Prepare for Gory (scenes!!)

I like doing reviews. It's sort of my favourite pastime. I could go about it for endless hours and with a right partner, it could go on for days. The movie 300 - made me think for a while and wonder - how obvious is the movie in conveying the message of valour, confidence, courage and the significance of your credo in the midst of impending catastrophe. I rather believed that this whole stroy has an equally relevant flipside to it!!

This movie undoubtedly is a toast to all the leaders who stood for what they believed is right without fear or reason in situations which were against their odds. Although it should be realized that courage is sometimes not what you have but what you choose to have. Coming straight to the point, those who would have watched this movie will agree with me that the chances of winning the battle for Leonidas were less than Bermuda winning the World Cup. In such circumstances, what should a king who is at the helm of a country do? HE SHOULD BACK-OFF!!

Yes, that is the truth or rather the wise man' advice. When King Leonidas was promised the safety of his land by the Persian King Xerxes's negotiator, he should have accepted the offer considering the long-term aftermath. A thought-out negotiation with the hidden motive of raising an army like the King's trusted man Dilios (also the movie's narrator) did after they succumbed to the mighty army at the end of the movie could have provided the right solution. He raised an army of 10K along with associate Greek empires to make the total around 40K and thus narrates the story of the brave 300 to motivate them (remember there's this scene at the end!!) Had Leonidas been so cunning or rather SMART enough, he would have averted a toll of 300 and regained his so called 'Lost Pride' too.

His situation reminds us of The Great Shivaji Maharaj in a similar dilemma during the epic battle of Pavan Khind(Ghodkind). The decision bears a resemblance with what Shivaji had to do 400 years ago. During the battle of Ghodkind, Shivaji falsely suggested he's looking forward to negotiate with Siddhi-Johar, while escaping away to Vishalgad to regroup his soldiers for a fierce battle. Although he lost his important man Baji Prabhu, he was witty enough to realize the larger picture of the importance of a king's survival. A wise decision would be to take cognizance of your position and act accordingly. Blind courage which is disoriented and which has an obvious outcome of failure is appreciated nowhere. Courage if displayed at the right time at the right place and at the right moment bears importance and is worth celebrating.

Talking of values, Leonidas did what he considered was important for the Spartans to keep their pride and honour. Although there is slight glitch to it again. The Spartan law (the Counsel of Ministers) per se suggested he listen to the Oracle and give heed to her advice, regardless of its relevance. This clearly indicates that Leonidas defied the law of the country, he ironically chose to swear his allegiance for.

The movie can be summarized as a must-watch for gore lovers. The ancient Greek replication displayed in the movie with its amazing effects and Gerard Butler's chutzpah, can be one of the driving reasons for the film's success. As for the title line, '300 : Prepare for Glory', be prepared for a lot more than that!!


Anonymous said...

U said it... Movie reviews are your favourite pastime.. and now that your an official "lukkha" it just fits in so perfectly... {hee hee hee..}

jokes apart..boy!! u write well...really well...

as for the MOVIE and the REVIEW.... well i don't expect you go "ga ga " over Leonidas....unless ofcourse..ahem ahem.. ;)

jayu, Leonidas knew he wasn't gonna win...He knew he wouldn't have survived the war...He didn't stand a chance.. But how could he, the king of sparta, the king of real MEN, stand back and accept defeat so easily...Submission wasn't an option... ;)

Remember the phrase "Its ok if you loose, you know that atleast you tried your best"

Haoo haoo haoo [:)]

Anonymous said...

keeping movie review apart and coming directly to moral of your story, you said that courage should be shown at proper moment, place, etc. but how can LEONIDAS would have trusted Persian king and accept friendship of such a character.
Taking overview of such situation its very easy to deduce that what would have been the right choice but if we think according to the person who was in that position one cannot accept such defeat. LEONIDAS had 2 choices one to accept friendship/defeat and second to any how win against the enemy. (Even he had to prove what Spartan means)So he took right step to take 300 men with him to encourage his whole kingdom and to induce spirit in them to kill enemy atleast in ratio of 1:10.
If we go back in history there are many examples where cannot be won wars were won by shear courage. Its better to fight till death rather to accept such defeat which ultimately results in death in much humiliating way.(Prescription: Try playing chess it can give you easy picture )
:) ;)

Anonymous said...

i got one such courageous encounter form our Indian army:
A sardarji was the only soldier alive in the encounter and 7-10 Pak soldiers were giving a tough fight, in this situation sardarji courageously fought with them and brought them down. I dont know what fate did he went through but he prevented insurgency and was awarded Param Vir Chakra.
You might think that he didnt had chance to step back, same way LEONIDAS would have thought KI "how beneficial it would be if I accept the friendship/defeat. The Persian king didnt had hobby of making friends and calling their kingdoms as his own, its obvious he wanted slaves & all that greedy stuff.

Anonymous said...

hey whose this GOPAL CHARACTER... i mean seriously WHO IS HE???
if only this were a place where i could have a one-on-one debate with him, I'd have ripped him apart...

as FOR MR. GOPAL, in case U R reading this...
1. For starters get your grammar right!!!
2. There must have been "n" number of global and national tricky episodes that must have demanded a decision that could possibly alter the fate of mankind, if not worse... So really, Merely stating "incomplete facts" {(cause that's just what your comment is portraying) ["A sardarji was the only soldier alive in the encounter "]!!!!} isn't really putting forth your view on the REVIEW....

This is my sole opinion...

"EACH TO HIS OWN" as I always say...

Anonymous said...

Hi Jayendra thanks for reminding me otherwise the sardarji story would have been incomplete & hk, thanks for pointing out my errors [your (1)]. But frankly i cant help my grammar it is at its best.

hk, may be the fact given by me was incomplete but it was not to defame any person or to present it in the way you interpreted. I take this opportunity to complete the sadarji story with proper facts and details. Here it goes >>>>>

At No 2 picquet on Taindhar on 6 February 1948, No 27373 Naik Jadunath Singh was in command of a forward section post, which bore the full brunt of the enemy attack. Nine men against overwhelming odds garrisoned the little post. The enemy launched its attack in successive waves and with great ferocity to overcome this post. The first wave swept up to the post in a furious attack. Displaying great valour and superb qualities of leadership Naidk Jadunath Singh so used the small force at his disposal that the enemy retired in utter confusion. Four of his men were wounded but Naik Jadunath Singh again showed his qualities of good leadership by reorganizing the battered force under him, for meeting another onslaught. His coolness and courage were of such an order that the men rallied and were ready for the second attack which came with greater determination and in larger number than the preceding one. Though hopelessly outnumbered, this post under the gallant leadership of Naik Jadunath Singh resisted. All were wounded, and Naik Jadunath Singh, though wounded in the right arm, personally took over the Bren gun from the wounded Bren gunner. The enemy was right on the walls of the post but Naid Jadunath Singh once again showed outstanding ability and valour of the highest order in action. By his complete disregard for his personal safety and example of coolness and courage, he encouraged his men to fight. His fire was so devastating, that what looked like impending defeat was turned into a victory and the enemy tetreated in chaos leaving the dead and wounded littered on the ground. With this act of supreme heroism and outstanding example of leadership and determination, Naik Jadunath Singh saved the post from the second assault. By this time, all men in the post were casualties. The enemy put in his third and final attack in undiminished numbers and determination to capture this post. Naik Jadunath Singh, now wounded, prepared literally single-handed to give battle for the third time. With great courage and determination, he came out of the sangar and finally with the Sten gun, made a most magnificent single-handed charge on the advancing enemy, who, completely taken by surprise, fled in disorder. Naik Jadunath Singh, however, met his gallant death in his third and last charge when two bullets hit him in the head and chest. Thus, charging single-handedly at the advancing enemy, this Non-Commissioned Officer, performed the highest act of gallantry and self-sacrifice and by so doing saved his section-nay, his whole picquet from being overrun by the enemy at the most critical stage in the battle for the defence of Nushera.

If there is any thing else to be ripped apart i am waiting for it. I like the people digging tons of matter out of nothing.

Anonymous said...

if 'hk' wants to have 1-1 debat Jaynedra I m ready, if you can do favor to both of us please suggest or rather arrange some platform where we can have debat about nothing......

Anonymous said...

Jayu.... I can see how adding fuel to the fire may qualify as productive constructive work for you but unfortunately, It isn't constructive!!!

Alright Alright!!! Time to state the bare truth....
As jayu already has been made aware, The previous comment by me was a mere impulsive one...No apologies!!!

As much as i am offended by Mr.Gopal's unkind reference to me as a mere person, I am also impressed by his ability (and correct me if I'm wrong here) to copy paste history from the ever so resourceful WIKIPEDIA.... [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naik_Jadu_Nath_Singh]

Mr. Gopal, I am afraid, you have failed to see the reason i pointed out the "INCOMPLETE FACT" mentioned by you earlier. However, I do appreciate and thank you for taking out some time to teach me( and perhaps a few more readers of this blog) a little bit of HISTORY, albeit, on a totally irrelevant platform....

And as much as I would love to go-on and clarify myself and the points made by me earlier, I will refrain from any more mud-slinging and making counter-statements, cause it just ain't worth it..


Unknown said...

Yaaaawn....the movie was sooo much better than reading unwanted reviews..HK u wasted my precious "sleep time"!!!!