Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Global Warming - A threat

After a lot of deliberation, I finally found this topic thought-compelling enough to be posted. So here it is, my take on Global Warming (like it or not!!). And anyway, it is too long I haven't posted anything!! So here it is...
In our conquest of land and resources we’re overlooking an important feature of Mother Nature. When she gives her bounty in plentitude, she also takes her toll in equivalence. Today as we encounter the repercussions of our misdeeds, in the form of ‘Global Warming’, one should realize the threat is real. Global Warming as said by IPCC, (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Control) poses a grave predicament with stats showing temperature rise of 2°C in the last century and a predicted maximum of 6.4°C till the year 2100. This phenomenon is accompanied by rise in ocean levels, melting of ice, vanishing of peat in Siberia and other disastrous effects. Widespread endemics and loss of flora and fauna follow next. As resources fall short, chaos and panic in hand with heavy casualties prove inevitable. Global Warming is a menace which could easily gobble developed economies, leave the crumbling infrastructure in India alone. The factor of mayhem in India will be a multiple of what happens in developed nations. How can we think of development and infrastructure when one big Tsunami or flood can wipe out everything?
How can we tackle this Goliath then? Since this problem deals with the ‘consumerist’ lifestyle of ours, a slight change in our daily activities may prove instrumental. Take for example, the A/C that we use in our homes to beat the heat wave this summer. Although the ‘I will, Mumbai will’ campaign urges people to keep the temperature of A/C to 24°C during peak hours, shutting down the A/C completely in residential areas for a few hours may prove as an affirmative action on our behalf. The power thus saved due to negligible discomfort, will lead to less amount of coal being burnt for power generation, resulting in lesser fumes from the chimney at the power station. Such simple steps if taken steadily by en masse, can not only help the ongoing power crisis, but also prevent catastrophes due to warming.
It can be concluded that the problem of global warming is intrinsic to us and therefore has to be solved on an individual basis, rather than expecting from our government which is already burdened with more humongous problems. Although it’s imperative for the government to keep a tab on pollution at a macro level, the urban junta can contribute nonetheless using public transport, saving power and fuel, buying alternatives for plastic based items which can delay the impending doomsday. As Captain Planet from the cartoon series rightly says, “The Power is Yours!”

1 comment:

Ujwal said...

I'm obliged to be the first to comment on this..neways i have been contemplating about commenting on it ...just the lack of something substantial being the only reason for the delay...Well i partially agree with the view that has been presented as its high time we realise that we face an imminent danger(read Global Warming) that has been looming large on the world for quite a while now...although i disagree as many a reports suggest that we tend to heavily inflate the actual facts although for different reasons a matter of fact the well renowned Swaminathan Aiyar has long been debating about this with his piece of writing may be i think the fact should be made more relevant to the existing scenario instead of harping what we did wrong all the way uptil now..the remedial measure suggested by jayendra is truly a point to consider as it would not take much of an effort from us for this bit of i always believed that instead of trying to get the complete picture right we should rather get the bits and pieces right...As for the contrarian view it can be summed up as Al Gore rightly suggested in his documentary on the same subject "Its very hard to make ppl understand something when their jobs depend upon them not understanding it"